the latest version requires php 7+ but the old 8.x branch can work with a lower version of php so you can download it from:

<?php // include_once 'shared/csv-8.2.2/autoload.php'; use League\Csv\Writer; // //$writer->setOutputBOM(Writer::BOM_UTF8); //adding the BOM sequence on output

$header = ["position" , "team", "played", "goals difference", "points"];
$records = [
[1, "Chelsea", 26, 27, 57],
[2, "Arsenal", 26, 22, 56],
[3, "Manchester City", 25, 41, 54,],
[4, "Liverpool", 26, 34, 53],
[5, "Tottenham", 26, 4, 50],
[6, "Everton", 25, 11, 45],
[7, "Manchester United", 26, 10, 42],

$writer = Writer::createFromPath('./file.csv', 'w');

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