This plugin is no longer maintained.

 - Orbisius Amazon WishList

Orbisius Amazon WishList allows you to include multiple Amazon WishLists. The plugin doesn't require any extra software. It will download any public wishlist from amazon's site.


  • Easy way of including one or more wishlists into your blog posts or pages.
  • You can use WishList ID or a web link to the wishlist
  • The data is stored (cached) for easy and faster access.
  • Automatic Updater

You can either use with WishList ID e.g. [[orb_amazon_wishlist id="IP29UCWJFB5B"]] in that case the links will be pointing to


[[orb_amazon_wishlist id=""]] that way the links will be pointing to
the used site.

The plugin doesn't require any extra software because it parses the contents coming from Amazon.
Other plugins that do the same thing require your php to have extensions in order to work.

You can either buy this plugin or subscribe and get access to all current and future plugins we release. To subscribe check Plans

Orbisius Amazon WishList

Coupon code (optional):

Note: If, after the purchase, you don't get the download email go to Support > Download Purchased Product
You can buy this plugin or become a Premium Member and get access to all current and future plugins we release at a low monthly/yearly cost. For more info check Plans page.

This plugin is no longer maintained.

Amazon WishList WordPress Plugin Demo:

[orb_amazon_wishlist id=""]

Keywords: Amazon WishList WordPress Plugin, Amazon WishList Plugin, Amazon WishList WordPress Widget Plugin