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  • #2047

    This plugin looks to be almost exactly what I’m looking for, I just have one question – when you click on an product title/description, what happens? Does it go to the product page or does it popup the product details in a overlay window? (I’m hoping for the latter option)

    Also, is the plugin price a one-time payment or does it require a yearly renewal in order to get updates? (Please forgive me for asking what might be an obvious question – I’m sure it says something about this on your site, I just haven’t found it yet)


    – Fred.

    Slavi Marinov

    Hi Fred,

    I will start with a quote:

    The only stupid questions are the ones we don’t ask

    Currently, clicking on the product title leads to the product page.

    The one time payment gives you one year of free updates (updater is included and works for whitelisted domain(s) – we have to add the domain on our end, we’ll simplify this in the future).

    If you join as a member you’ll get updates for all plugins as long as you are member.

    What products are you selling?



    I’m working on a site for a company that sells wholesale pet toys.

    Are there any known issues coming back to the form and losing order info after going to a product page? I guess that’s why I was hoping it would be a popup jquery window.

    Thanks for the answers!

    – Fred.

    Slavi Marinov

    Hi Fred,

    The thing is it may work for simple products but for variable products things may be more complex as product info/image can change.

    We might implement this request but it’s going to be at least several weeks.
    We usually wait for at least several people to request a feature before implementing it.
    That way we ensure that only requested features get attention.

    Another option for you is to can order a Priority feature implementation which will reduce the development time.
    Contact us if you are interested in that.


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