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  • #955

    When I create a child theme with this plug-in, I get a message that says the child theme is broken. Could you help me?
    (I am an absolute tech ignorant so any step-by-step for dummies instructions would be appreciated.) Your plug-in is well reviewed so I would rather use it than another.

    Slavi Marinov

    Hi Janet,

    Oh, No! :(

    Ok. What WordPress version are you running?
    The version info is usually available after you login into WordPress admin and then scroll down and should be available in the bottom right corner.


    Hello Slavi,

    I just tried the Orbisius Child Theme Creator @ wp 3.6 with Slider theme but unfortunately I lost the social icons at the bottom.
    Any suggestions? or should I wait for the upgrade?

    Thank you,

    Slavi Marinov

    Hmm, interesting.

    Did you customize the footer.php of the child theme?
    If so, did you keep do_action(‘wp_footer’) (if any) ?
    A lot of plugins rely on that action to be called.


    Thank you for the fast reply,
    I have made no customizations. I installed the Child Theme Creator to a clean wp 3.6 installation

    Slavi Marinov

    George, can you go in Appearance and Widgets?
    Sometimes when switching themes the original widgets don’t get transferred.
    They stay as Inactive widgets or something like that.


    I just figured out the solution: I copied (duplicate) the images folder to the child theme folder. It works. Thank you again for your help.


    PS: The same solution for the js folder for broken javascipt (duplicate the js folder to the child theme folder)
    PS2: Maybe I should have start a new topic. If you think is better please move this conversation to a new topic.

    Slavi Marinov

    George, I am glad you’ve figured it out.

    This could happen because theme designers user different frameworks to make their themes.
    I friend of my tested the plugin with Yoo themes and he told me that it didn’t work.

    The theme has to use the correct WordPress functions (i.e. the images/js are first searched in the child theme folder and if none is found, then look in the parent theme).


    Hello Slavi,

    I am receiving the following fatal error and am unable to do anything. I log in and it goes to a blank screen with this message? I am locked out to do anything…

    Warning: require_once(/home/mysite/public_html/myextension/wp-content/themes/theron-lite-child-01/admin/options-framework.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/mysite/public_html/myextension/wp-content/themes/theron-lite/functions.php on line 436

    Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‘/home/mysite/public_html/myextension/wp-content/themes/theron-lite-child-01/admin/options-framework.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/mysite/public_html/myextension/wp-content/themes/theron-lite/functions.php on line 436

    Slavi Marinov

    Hi Peter,

    sorry, to hear that. It seems the theme uses some framework and needs its files. It’s good that your server shows error messages. That saves a lot of time troubleshooting.

    A potential solution would be to connect using your favourite FTP client (e.g. FileZilla) and then go to themes/theron-lite/ and download admin folder on your computer. Next, then using the FTP client navigate to wp-content/themes/theron-lite-child-01 and upload the admin folder that you’ve just downloaded.


    Slavi Marinov

    Hi Peter,

    I have created a file that will allow you to fix your site. This file will be added to our free/open source WordPress troubleshooting tool called Swiss Army Knife for WordPress (SAK4WP).


    Upload this file [https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/100016659/tmp/theme-fix.php] into YOUR_SITE/wp-content/mu-plugins/

    If that mu-plugins folder doesn’t exist create it.
    Next, login as you would normally log into WP admin. Then go to Appearance > themes. One of the default WordPress themes should be active (that’s what the theme fix plugin did).
    Now, you need to activate the parent theme that you created.
    The page will refresh but it will still showing one of the default WordPress themes.
    Now you can remove the theme-fix.php file from /wp-content/mu-plugins/

    Let me know how it goes.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by .
    • This reply was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by .
    Slavi Marinov

    Here is a new plugin called Orbisius Theme Fixer in case the site becomes totally broken.

    Orbisius Theme Fixer


    Hi Slavi,

    I used the child theme creator in another theme this time ( Elegant Themes Simple Press ) and got this message:

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare register_main_menus() (previously declared in /home/logolo2b/public_html/TEST1/wp-content/themes/SimplePress-child-01/functions.php:40) in /home/logolo2b/public_html/TEST1/wp-content/themes/SimplePress/functions.php on line 43

    I followed the steps with the Theme fixer. Standard theme worked as you prodicted, yet after removing the fix.php it was broken all over again. It is not earth moving haha, its a test site and I am restoring it with Backup Buddy as we speak. Just wanted to let you know that this does not seem the fix it?

    Further more, how can I create a child theme now with your great plugin, as it does not seem to agree with this theme ( it worked fine with another one of Elegant themes Lucid).


    • This reply was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by .
    Slavi Marinov

    Hi Annie,

    Theme fixer is supposed to be user temporarily (just to get access to your site) and then change the theme to something that works.

    Let me guess you’ve used the feature copy functions.php under advanced options.

    You will have to use an FTP program (e.g. FileZilla) to remove the /home/logolo2b/public_html/TEST1/wp-content/themes/SimplePress-child-01/functions.php
    You can do this
    1) Setup theme fixer for now.
    2) Create a new child theme but this time don’t copy functions.php this time
    3) Switch to the new theme
    4) Delete SimplePress-child-01 theme

    We’ll add some site recovery functions to another free/open source project of ours called SAK4WP (swiss army knife for WordPress) because if the site is crashing plugins may not be executed.

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