Home Forums Community Support Forum New premium account PLEASE HELP NOW

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  • #2331


    I tried to contact the owner of this website 6 times today!
    First via twitter > No reply!
    Via his own website> My forum entries are deleted as soon as i post them and ignored
    I sent him email > no reply
    Google + > Still no reply
    second forum post > Also deleted
    Third Forum post > Also deleted..


    And I do not even have a complaint! I JUST WANT TO SENT HIM MONEY!

    Can you imagine how the response time would be with a complaint…

    I wanted to have premium account, but his lack of payment options got me stuck.

    I want to have premium account by donating 10$ via the donating button on the website (that does allow me to use my paypal funds). But I cant get a confirmation from your company.

    anywone experience with this website? Can I trust this company?

    Start to lose my trust and patience.

    I will wait for the rest of the day, otherwise i will go use this plugin http://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-one-page-quick-shop/8000085

    Slavi Marinov


    Just replied to your tweet as well. We have received all of your 4-5 messages.

    We haven’t deleted anything. Your topic may have been flagged as spam.
    Did you enter just the title of the question?
    That may be the reason for not showing or it’s at the end of the page.

    P.S. I find it really amusing that you’re about to loose trust in our company for not receiving a reply from us.
    It’s been just 1 (one) hour. :) We try to always reply within 24 hours but usually it’s within 8-12 hours.

    Also, there is a feedback button in the bottom right corner for quick contact.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by .

    I was very very impatience! Sorry for that!!

    Very happy with the support/answers i receieved on email and Slavi is very friendly guy !

    Slavi Marinov

    No worries. We’re good folks.

    Just received the first month payment and upgraded your account.


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