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  • #1023

    If a theme has already been modified, can I replicate what is currently being used and make it a ‘child’ theme ??

    Slavi Marinov


    I think it’ll be better for you to download a fresh copy of the original theme and make a child theme of it.
    Then apply your changes.

    The reason for that would be that you’ll have your changes on one spots only which is a lot easier to track.

    I’ve run into issues where the original theme does’t allow some features (e.g. styles) to be overridden in that case I modify the parent theme but I create a text file in the child theme mentioning the changes as well as I put some comments in the parent theme as well.


    same problem,
    solution does not work,
    File not copy, problem folder permissions

    Slavi Marinov

    Hi ramthas,

    Did you get an error within the plugin about permissions?
    If that’s the case I think you should contact your hosting’s support and ask the to make the wp-content/themes/ writable by the web server. That way the plugin will be able to create the necessary files and folders.


    No server problem
    folder created by the plugin can not be changed


    Slavi Marinov

    Hi Ramthas,

    Can you please define what is the exact issue?
    Is it that the Child Theme Creator creates a folder but it’s empty?
    Or is starting with a fresh theme not an option?


    Hi Slavi, thanks for your pasion and patience! ;)

    I am in trouble to make work the css code on the child. Same lines do work correct if I type on the parent style.css but nor on the child.

    I have both themes active at the Dashboard, Themes, Install themes.

    Those are the lines at the child style.css

    Theme Name: Sublime Press Child 01
    Theme URI:
    Description: Child 01 theme for the Sublime Press theme
    Template: sublime-press
    Version: 1.1.2

    @import url(‘../sublime-press/style.css’);

    ul {margin:0; padding:0;list-style-image:none;}
    li {padding:0px 0 0px 25px; line-height:25px; background:url(../sublime-press/images/marker.png) 0 5px no-repeat;}


    Slavi Marinov

    Hi Gema,

    Confirmed. The child theme’s style.css is not loaded. I set it up on a test site. Access code: 123

    This is an issue with the theme. I submitted a support request here:


    Man, that was fast! Great I modificated and know is working. Thanks so much! Have a great day! ;)

    Slavi Marinov

    Gema, sometimes we have no choice but to modify the parent theme.
    In that case, I highly recommend that you include a readme text file in the child theme documenting the changes.


    You know what I forgot yesterday. You do an awesome attention. Thanks a lot!

    Have a great day!! ;)


    I’m not sure how this works… I created successfuly a child theme. I need to make some changes to the functions.php file and my idea is that when I update the original theme to a newer version, I don’t have to track/change manually the changes. I open the two window editor, but on the child theme it doesn’t have the functions.php file. How creating a child theme help me? Thanks

    Slavi Marinov

    Hi Dino,

    you don’t necessarily need functions.php . You need that file only if you need to override some functions from the parent theme.
    For example: the parent theme truncates some content to the fist 60 characters and you want that to happen at 80.
    In that case you re-create that function in the child theme only BUT you have to make sure that your parent theme supports so called pluggable functions i.e. in the parent theme’s functions.php there must be function_exists check before the definition of the function. If that’s not the case your site will crash!
    In previous versions Child Theme Creator had the function to copy functions.php and there was a warning and people still checked that box to copy the functions.php file and since the parent theme didn’t support pluggable functions the sites would crash.



    I see several function_exists inside the Parent Functions.php file. So how do I make a change to the theme? Child or parent so if I update the theme I don;t have to do it over again? Thanks for your prompt response.

    Slavi Marinov


    As I said you probably won’t need functions.php unless you want to override certain functionality.

    Did you see the example video? It is for an older version but shows how to create a child theme.

    In the new version there is a double Theme Editor under Appearance which you could use to edit theme files.

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