I am working on a cool client project that uses Paid Memberships Pro WordPress plugin.

I've noticed that from time to time there's an annoying message that shows up.

If you're running Paid Memberships Pro on a production website, we recommend an annual support license.

Of course it does make sense and the creators of the plugin need to make it easier for people to get a license to get updates.

In my particular case the client has purchased a license for the plugin that will be used on the main site. We have several staging servers as we are working on the new version of the service.

I can't remember how many uses does the license allow so I didn't activate it on my development machine & on the staging servers.

I've decided to remove the message so it doesn't show up at all.

You can add this to functions.php or in a custom WordPress plugin.

add_action('init', function () {
	remove_action('admin_notices', 'pmpro_license_nag');

How to remove the upgrade nag of Paid Memberships Pro.

Of course if you're using a plugin it's always nice to support its creators to ensure that they will have the resources to continue its development.


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