Formidable and other cool form builders allow you to embed forms.

You may ask yourself doesn't this support this functionality.
The answer is yes and no.
If you're using the form on the same WordPress site sure you can use the shortcodes to render the desired form.
What if you have a landing page that doesn't even require WordPress to be built.
You can use an IFRAME to include a form. That way the data goes to one spot.
Another nice benefit is that you can control all of your forms from one place e.g. if you need to add or remove a field the change will propagate automatically.The downside is that if your main site goes down then it'll affect all of the landing pages ... so invest in a good hosting provider.
There have been some articles how to do it using the preview link. This approach doesn't work with the latest Formidable Forms because it relies on admin-ajax.php which didn't work when I tried it. The browser reported an error: Load denied by X-Frame-Options does not permit cross-origin framing.
Error: Load denied by X-Frame-Options: does not permit cross-origin framing.
Using Orbisius Embeddable Formidable plugin you can do it by passing the following parameters. This will render the form like it is shown in regular preview
If you'd like to have the form without any styles just pass &naked=1 parameter.
Here is the full example iframe example which will take full width of the container and will be at least 800px tall.

<iframe src="http://site/?orb_embeddable_form[key]=contact6"
frameborder="<a>0</a>" scrolling="<a>no</a>" style="<a>width:100%;min-height:800px;</a>"></iframe>


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