Orbisius SEO editor aims to be a universal SEO editor for meta titles, descriptions and more regardless of the SEO plugin or theme you’re currently using or have used in the past. 

It allows you bulk edit meta Titles and Descriptions of your pages, posts or WooCommerce products.

We support lots of plugins and themes. The plugin will read the meta title and description even if the supported plugin is not installed anymore.

Demo Video

Note: This is the demo we had when the plugin was only one version (Pro). We'll have two separate videos soon.

The free version supports 4 SEO plugins. The Pro addon supports more SEO plugins and fields.

Free Version

The free version is pending approval in the official WordPress repository.


Download 1 (Recommended)

This will download the latest stable version that is published in the official WordPress plugin repository at https://wordpress.org/plugins/orbisius-seo-editor/

>> https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/orbisius-seo-editor.zip

Download 2 (latest development beta)
If you want to download now you can use the version on GitHub.

The issue with the GitHub zip is that it contains the branch name (main) in the plugin directory. For this reason you have to manually update the plugin by uploading a new zip file.

>> https://github.com/orbisius/orbisius-seo-editor/archive/refs/heads/main.zip

Pro Addon

If you want to be able to edit more fields or access more SEO plugins d check out the Pro addon.

You can buy the Pro addon by going to this page https://orbisius.com/go/seo-editor-pro