How to Open and Extract a .wpress file?

Because .wpress is a custom archive file format of All in One Migration WordPress plugin it cannot be open with regular compression tools such as 7zip, rar, zip, tar, gunzip. Fortunately the ServerMask team has provided a golang source code that can open the file which the Orbisius team has used to create a free command line tool.

If you need to extract the contents of .wpress on Windows/Linux/Mac you can use orbisius_wpress program to do that.

Downloads (64bit)

Post installation instructions for Linux/Mac

for Linux/Mac you will need to set executable file permissions by running this command.

for Linux

chmod 0755 orbisius_wpress

For Mac

chmod 0755 orbisius_wpress_mac

How to use Orbisius WPress extactor

orbisius_wpress x archive_file.wpress target_dir


  • x – means extract
  • 1st paramer is the source file
  • 2nd parameter is the target directory where the files will be extracted to