OWP is a wrapper to the WordPress management tool called WP-CLI.

owp is tool for system administrators or DevOps

owp will switch to the user automatically depending on the folder you're currently in.
The user that will be switched to doesn't need to have a shell.
That way you don't have to pass the dangerous flag: --allow-root which could cause issues because running as root is very dangerous as the operating system doesn't apply any restrictions.

It also can always load a file --require=/some/file if you need to do things when wp-cli loads.


the first step is to buy the command line tool and then download the file depending on your operating system. Linux and Mac are supported. You need to be familiar with command line.

after you have uploaded the file you need to set the executable permissions as.

chmod 0755 owp

You may need to prefix the file with ./ so it can be searched in the current folder.

you need to read the program's terms of service

./owp app --terms

You need to accept the terms

./owp app --accept-terms

next you need to check if it can run by checking its version

./owp app version

The output should be something like this

owp v1.0.0 | Build date:2023-03-03.21:27:00 | Commit:e66e32ce21162b66eaba9e44dd643b1bb5744c5d

If you're running as root or administrator you can move the file to /usr/local/bin so it's always available

mv owp /usr/local/bin/

Now go to a folder that has WordPress while logged in as root and type the following.

owp option get home