Home Forums Community Support Forum WordPress Plugins Like Gate Does Like Gate work?

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    I am having loads of issues with Like Gate – I know it’s free but I sort of hoped it would work better than this :) Maybe I didn’t set it up right. This is the page where I’m having trouble: http://facescrape.com/facebook-fanpage-likers/

    a) A visitor has to relike the page when they return to it, even in the same session. To relike, they have to unlike and then like again. Several of my customers have complained about this. This can’t be intentional can it?

    b) When you click the like icon, a comment box appears, and then the gate opens, and often the comment box disappears before you get a chance to make a comment. Sometimes you can write a comment, but there’s no way to submit the comment.

    c) When you’ve clicked like there’s no record on Facebook that I can see – no-one knows you’ve liked the page because FB doesn’t seem to be aware of it.

    Slavi Marinov

    Hi Steve,

    Yes, like gate works. I quickly checked your site and I see you have other content lockers.
    There might be some interference.

    1) The like status is saved in a cookie, if it doesn’t work the user has blocked the cookie or there is a glitch.
    Are the users returning to the same page from the same browser?

    2) I am not aware of this behaviour. Like Gate Pro has an option to hide the comment box

    3) Hmm. Strange.

    Let’s say you have liked a post from fb account A.
    Then did you specifically visit A’s account from another account B e.g. from the same or different computer?
    Just to be 100% sure



    Note: [this was copied from an email so this forum thread helps ours as well.]

    Hi – thanks for checking this out. I only added the other like gate when I was having problem with yours but have deactivated it now so you can check.

    I noticed that the gate opens before the comment is written, and because my page uses a frame, the comment box can be found by scrolling down to the bottom (I thought it had disappeared). I can enter text in the box, but hitting the enter key doesn’t do anything and I can’t find a way to commit the comment. This pretty much guarantees no-one will comment!

    I’m not sure where to look to see if my “like” has registered. If I log in to Facebook as me, it’s not on my timeline or profile page. When I log in as someone else, there’s nothing on my profile page.


    Slavi Marinov

    Hi Steve,

    I did a test with my test fb account. The hidden content appeared and the like activity appeared on facebook.
    I was able to reproduce that the already liked content didn’t show up in Chrome.
    Will look into it.

    Here are the screenshots.



    • This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by . Reason: added target blank so pics open in a new window
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