Category: Servers

Unmanaged servers are a cost-effective solution, but when it comes time to decommission them, the responsibility falls on you to ensure everything is backed up and transferred smoothly. Instead of rushing through the process, follow this step-by-step guide to make sure nothing falls through the cracks.

1. Step 1: Backup Everything (Seriously, Everything)

First things first: backup all critical data from your unmanaged server. This includes:

  • Configuration files from /etc
  • Web files from /var/www/vhosts/
  • ALL databases (don’t forget the smaller, less obvious ones)
  • Custom settings or files that may not be in standard directories

Before you move on, double-check that every file has been backed up properly. You don't want to leave behind any essential data!

2. Step 2: Shut Down the Server and Wait

Instead of decommissioning the server right away, shut it down temporarily and wait for 2-3 days or up to a week. During this period:

  • Keep an eye on your services.
  • Ask your colleagues if anything stops working.
  • If something fails, that’s your clue that not everything was transferred during the initial backup.

This waiting period acts as a safety net, giving you time to catch any missed files or services without permanently losing access to the server.

3. Step 3: Identify and Transfer What’s Missing

If you encounter any issues during the waiting period:

  1. Restart the old server to regain access.
  2. Identify the missing services or files.
  3. Copy them over to the new server.

Think of this as your second chance to catch anything missed during the first backup. After everything has been transferred and confirmed to be working, you can safely move forward.

4. Step 4: Revoke SSL Certificates and Perform a Final Check

Once you're confident that everything has been successfully transferred, it's time to revoke any SSL certificates associated with the server. This is especially important if you're using Let's Encrypt. Here’s how you can do that with Certbot:

certbot revoke --cert-path /etc/letsencrypt/live/ --reason cessationOfOperation

Also, take this opportunity to:

  • Run a final check to ensure all services and configurations are working smoothly on the new server.
  • Verify that no critical data has been left behind.

5. Step 5: Create a Central Migration Checklist

To make this process even smoother (and to avoid missing steps in future migrations), it's a good idea to create a central migration document or checklist. This will act as a reference for every server decommissioning project going forward. Here’s what you should include:

  • Backup locations: List of directories, databases, and files that need to be backed up.
  • SSL Certificate information: Details of the certificates to be revoked.
  • Key services and applications: Make note of any applications or services that rely on the server, so you can monitor them post-migration.
  • Colleague notifications: A reminder to notify your team or clients about the migration plan and ask them to report any issues they experience during the process.

This checklist will not only keep you organized but also prevent any last-minute surprises.

6. Step 6: Cancel the Server

Once you’ve confirmed that everything is running smoothly and no services have been disrupted, it’s time to cancel the server. Be sure to:

  • Review your hosting provider’s cancellation policy. Some may require notice weeks or months in advance.
  • Double-check that no final invoices or payments are pending.

After this, you can confidently say goodbye to your old server!

Bonus Tips: What Else Can You Include?

No migration is perfect, and each project may bring its own challenges. Consider asking your colleagues or team members to share their own tips and lessons learned during the migration process. This feedback could include:

  • Commonly forgotten files or services that are easy to overlook.
  • Recommended tools for monitoring server performance post-migration.
  • Best practices for handling DNS updates and ensuring minimal downtime.

In fact, we’d love to hear your tips and experiences with server decommissioning! If you’ve gone through a server migration and have advice to share, feel free to drop your thoughts in the comments. Let’s build a resource that helps everyone in the community!

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