Like Gate Pro is an improved version of our free Like Gate WordPress Plugin (available on

On August 7, 2014 Facebook decided to stop Like Gating. Here are the exact text from the Platform Policy

You must not incentivize people to use social plugins or to like a Page. This includes offering rewards, or gating apps or app content based on whether or not a person has liked a Page. It remains acceptable to incentivize people to login to your app, checkin at a place or enter a promotion on your app's Page. To ensure quality connections and help businesses reach the people who matter to them, we want people to like Pages because they want to connect and hear from the business, not because of artificial incentives. We believe this update will benefit people and advertisers alike.


It seems Share Gating is against the policy as well.
We have about 80 days to come up with a solution (if possible).

We would like to thank Olivier for bringing this to our attention:

The plugin will remember the like status on a page when the same browser is used to visit the page (cookies are used) BUT it will NOT remember or transfer likes from your existing Facebook fan page. It is not possible without a custom Facebook app and user giving his/her permission to check their likes.

We offer 30 days money back guarantee.

Latest Version: v.1.1.7 - adds some cool fixes. Scroll to the end of you want to see the change log.
Basically, with this release the like gate will reveal hidden content even if it was set on a different page/post BUT are pointing to the same URL (fan page)
Example: you have the like gate pointing to your facebook fan page and you have included the shortcode on 2-3 pages. The plugin will remember that the person has liked the fan page and will reveal the hidden content on Page 1,2,3.

Around Oct 31, 2013: we require mandatory Facebook App ID because we can't use our facebook app ID internally anymore because it can work on our domain(s) only.
Here is how to create a facebook app and configure it for Like Gate and Like Gate Pro


What's new (video):


Update: Sept 12, 2013 - Insert the hidden text right from the richtext popup dialog no need to manually edit the shortcode.

Update: 2013-05-08: We've just released an update v.1.0.6:

  • Allows you to choose the language the like button to appear in;
  • Allows you to select if you want to reveal the hidden content if the user comes back to the same page

Like Gate Pro has the following features/benefits

  • Allows you to enter an URL i.e. users can like your website, Facebook page etc. and not just a blog post.
  • It analyzes shortcodes within the like-gate shortcode
    [ like-gate ]....
    [ /like-gate ]
  • Once the plugin is installed you don't have to enable it. It's enabled by right away.
  • You can include call to action before the like-gate code
  • Since v.1.0.1: there is an option to hide the Facebook comment box that appears after a user likes the content
  • Since v.1.0.2: Auto Updater -> just like plugins downloaded from
  • Since v.1.0.4: the plugin hides the call to action text after like
  • Since v.1.0.6: Allows you to choose the language the like button to appear in; Allows you to select if you want to reveal the hidden content if the user comes back to the same page

like-gate-pro-call-to-action like-gate-pro-shortcodes



Click on Like to see the result
[like-gate url=""]
This is a sample text that appears after somebody likes your article, web site or facebook page.
Here you can have hidden downloads, coupon codes etc.


Like Gate Pro

Coupon code (optional):

Note: If, after the purchase, you don't get the download email go to Support > Download Purchased Product
You can buy this plugin or become a Premium Member and get access to all current and future plugins we release at a low monthly/yearly cost. For more info check Plans page.

Instant Download

After you complete the payment you will receive a download link which will be valid for the next 48 hours. You will be entitled to free updates for one year or if
you become a premium member you will receive updates and priority support at no additional cost.


The documentation is provided in PDF and MS Word format. It covers both Like Gate Lite and Like Gate Pro versions. To download a file right click with your mouse on the links below and click "Save Link As"  (Chrome and Firefox users) or "Save Target As" (Internet Explorer users)

How to manually update the Like Gate Pro plugin

  • Log into the admin area of your site
  • Go to Plugins
  • Deactivate Like Gate Pro
  • Delete Like Gate Pro
  • Add New Plugin by Uploading the newly downloaded version


How to create a facebook app for Like Gate and Like Gate Pro



= 1.1.7 =
* Saving the url in cookie so the content is revealed even if the user goes to a different page
* 1 less request made when generating the hidden code if URL is passed
* Using json to generate the cfg and not manually
* Fixed a incorrect detection of like gate (lite) in the dashboard
* Refactored code so only one JS cfg variable is used
* Normalized the url e.g. will have the same hash as

= 1.1.6 =
* The fix for the WP 3.9 was breaking versions < 3.9

= 1.1.5 =
* Made TinyMCE/editor plugin compatible with WP 3.9
* Added a minified admin .css file

= 1.1.4 =
* Fixed: the UI to generate correct shortcode
* Added link to the manual (using google doc viewer)

= 1.1.3 =
* Fixed: Some characters such as '&' were encoded strangely

= 1.1.2 =
* Updated words in the dialog which inserts the shortcode
* Fixed: the content was deleted when an URL was entered.

= 1.1.1 =
* Rewrote how the whole shortcodes were replaces. Now replies on WP shortcodes API and not on custom ones
* Moved some scripts to their own folders.
* Fixes and improvements.

= 1.1.0 =
* Tested with WP 3.7.1
* Added Facebook app_id so the user can create a facebook app.
* Fixes

= 1.0.9 =
* Tested with WP 3.7

= 1.0.8 =
* Tested with WP 3.6
* Fix: added stripslashes to buffer
* Cleanup

= 1.0.7 =
* Fix: wrong article ID was inserted i.e. people will like the wrong article.

= 1.0.6 =
* Added an option to skip revealing the hidden content if somebody re-visits the page
* Added an option to select select a language just by clicking on it from a list.

= 1.0.5 =
* Fixed auto updater so it doesn't always tell that there is a new version.

= 1.0.4 =
* Added functionality to hide call to action text (made it ON by default)
* Added functionality to hide comment, call to action text in the settings as well.
* Updated documentation files to include the info above.

= 1.0.3 =
* Added documentation (PDF)
* Improved integration with existing plugins
* Fixes

= 1.0.2 =
* Added auto update functionality

= 1.0.1 =
* Added functionality to hide the comment box that appears after the like

= 1.0.0 =
* Initial release