Orbisius Media Property Editor

Do you want to edit media file’s properties from a single page quickly and efficiently?

Note: Each license (except lifetime) expires in one year after the purchase date. Within the year you'll release updates and support.


Orbisius Media Property Editor allows you to edit WordPress Media files’ attributes such as ALT, Caption etc.

* Improve SEO of your site
* Make your site more web accessibility. Visually impaired users using screen readers will be able to read an alt attribute to better understand the context.
* Quick update: Export a selection into Excel (CSV), modify it and then upload the modified file.
* Allows you to quickly update the attachment’s properties such as: title, alt, caption, description.
* You can list all of the attachments or just a specific number.
* Optionally Export meta and update it
* Optionally load files within last 24h, 48h, week, month or year
* Smart update if media properties weren’t changed it won’t update database which will put less stress on the server & will complete quicker.

Here’s how export & import works (1min video)




orbisius media property editor admin area in media

orbisius media property editor admin area in media

orbisius media property editor admin area editing alt tags media

orbisius media property editor admin area editing alt tags media

orbisius media property editor admin area upload

orbisius media property editor admin area upload

orbisius media property editor csv format

orbisius media property editor csv format


To get support contact us

Pre-Sale Question

If you have pre-questions feel free to contact us

Change Log

== Changelog ==

= 1.1.3 =
* Added a check for a missing heading row in the CSV file

= 1.1.2 =
* Tested with WP 5.9
* Updated the updater

= 1.1.1 =
* Added test drive link
* Tested with wp 5.6
* Removed addthis widget from admin UI
* UI: reduces labels so they fit
* Fixed some elements had the same id
* Last search criteria is remembered for some time

= 1.1.0 =
* switched all links to https://
* Tested with wp 5.5

= 1.0.9 =
* Added an option to rename image file names.
* Tested with WordPress 5.4

= 1.0.8 =
* Tested with WordPress 5.3

= 1.0.7 =
* Implemented attachment meta export. You may choose to export meta for attachments, meta keys with a prefix or specific ones.
* Auto-detect line endings of the CSV. In some cases (Windows/Linux) the line endings are not read correctly so we'll hint php to detect the line endings.
* added option to format the heading columns if a specific flag was passed. All can be made to be lowercase and under_scored.
* Skipping empty CSV rows (doing 2 checks) to avoid empty rows.
* Moved upload section (form) in the sidebar
* Removed checkbox for exporting into CSV and replaced it with a button. Better UX
* Fixes and improvements

= 1.0.6 =
* Bug fix & refactored code that was generating default values if the user has requested the empty fields to be populated.
* The export can automatically prefill some fields by parsing the image filename.
* added import to CSV
* added export to CSV
* Tested with WP 5.1
* optimized lib/media.php get_info a bit so it optionally sets some fields (on demand)
* Cleaned up files & removed unused code.
* Removed sorting (by title) because it is confusing when media items change their spots after update
* Load only specific media IDs

= 1.0.5 =
* Added some new filters e.g. you can filter by date so you can load files within last 24h, 48h, week, month or year
* Tested with WP 4.9
* Fixes & improvements.

= 1.0.4 =
* A client needed to update other records but not alt, why stop him.

= 1.0.3 =
* Made the plugin last longer :) even if the browser times out

= 1.0.2 =
* Using larger text boxes for media properties
* Aligned the first Save Changes to the right
* Added information about max_input_vars and approx how many items can be edited at a time. 

= 1.0.1 =
* Fixed an incorrectly named filter that was using an undefined variable.
* Tested With WP 4.6
* Updated plugin description
* Fixed some non-statically called methods
* Updated the updater to 1.3

= 1.0.0 =
* Initial release

Release Info

Tested up to WordPress version: 6.1
Min PHP version: 5.6
Min WordPress version: 3
Min WooCommerce version: N/A
Tested up to WooCommerce version: N/A
Release Date: December 27, 2022
Version: 1.1.3